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CLASSICAL_SWINE_FEVER.pdf CSF 2002 106 Ag ELISA.jpg CSF 2002 106 Collection of samples for virol.jpg CSF 2002 106 ELISA.jpg CSF 2002 106 Fluorescent antibody test.jpg CSF 2002 106 PCR.jpg CSF 2002 106 Serological tests and eval of their results.jpg CSF 2002 106 Surveillance.jpg CSF 2002 106 Virus isolation.jpg CSF 2002 106 VNT.jpg CSF 2002 116 CE.url CSF 2006 106 CE.url CSF Epi tools surveillance prev. 10 per cent.txt CSF Legislation prescribed assays.cmap CSF Repopulation 10 per cent.txt CSF Repopulation 20 per cent.txt CSF Surveillance in wild boars.jpg Epi tools CSF prev 5 per cent.txt OIE - CSF Confirmation of clinical cases.jpg OIE - CSF Contribution to eradiction.jpg OIE - CSF Immune status post vaccination.jpg OIE- CSF Individual animal freedom from infection prior to movement.jpg OIE CSF Manual.url OIE- CSF Population freedom from infection.jpg OIE - CSF Recommandations for importations.url OIE - CSF Surveillance.jpg OIE early detection.url