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ABA DS Guidelines.doc AES Web Site.url Blowfish Article.url Certificate Authority.cmap CERT OpenSSL advisory.url CommuniGate Pro Web.url Cryptography.cmap Cryptography2.cmap Cyrus IMAP Server Web.url Diagram and Decent High Level Overview.url Digital Certificate.cmap Digital Signatures.cmap Discussion of Certificate Formats.url distrib auth methods.pdf DNSSEC.cmap DSA, RSA, ECDSA (FIPS 186-2); SHA-1 (FIPS 180-1).url Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems by Robshaw and Yin 1997.url Email Infrastructure.cmap Eudora Web.url FIPS PUB 46-2 DES.url FIPS Standard for both DES and 3DES.url ftp ftp.isi.edu in-notes rfc2527.txt.url http www.ietf.org rfc rfc2313.txt.url IDEA Web Site.url IETF SSH Working Group - list of RFC's.url IMAPv4 RFC.url MD5 RFC.url Message Authentication Code.cmap Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate Commercial Security.url Mulberry Web.url opensslchecker.agt OpenSSL Security Advisory [30 July 2002].url OpenSSL Web Site.url Original Rijndael Specification Proposal Submission.url Original RSA paper.url Outlook Web.url PGP.cmap PGP Attack FAQ.url PGP FAQ.url Phil's Home Page.url Pine Message System Web.url POP3 RFC.url procmail Web.url Qmail Web.url Qpopper Web.url RC4 description from RSA.url RC5 RFC.url RFC for SMTP.url rsapaper[1].pdf Sendmail Web Site.url SHA Specification.url SSH.cmap Symmetric Cryptosystems.cmap Threat Analysis of the Domain Name System.url TLS.cmap X.509.cmap