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10.2 Delivering Welfare down the line.cmap 10.3 The network welfare state.cmap 10.4 Online service delivery.cmap 10.5 Online participation.cmap 10.6 Welfare in cyberspace.cmap 10.7 Welfare Privacy and Surveillance.cmap 11.2 Future scenarios.cmap 11.3 E-governance.cmap 11.4 Government inc.cmap 11.4 to 11.6 Government inc.cmap 2.2 -2.4 Characteristics of the Information age.cmap 2.5 The space and flow of information.cmap 2.6 Informational culture.cmap 2.7 Technological development.cmap 3.2 Creating Information age governance.cmap 3.3 The crisis in the Public sector.cmap 3.4 A New Public Management for the Information Age.cmap 3.5 ICTs and organisational change.cmap 3.6 -3.7 Information age government.cmap 4.2 E-Government.cmap 4.3 E Government 2.cmap 4.4 The value of e-government.cmap 4.5 Factors affecting success and failure of e-government strategies.cmap 5.2 -5.3 E-Democracy.cmap 6.2 Understanding Failure in Information age reform.cmap 6.3 Conception - Reality gaps.cmap 6.4 Rationality -Political reasoning Gap.cmap 6.5 Private Public Gap and National Context Gap.cmap 6.7 Organisational cultural barriers to change.cmap 6.8 Political and instittional barriers to reform.cmap 7.2 Towards successful information age reform.cmap 7.3 Managing the conception -reality gap.cmap 7.4 Overcome cultural barriers.cmap 7.5 Evolutionary public sector reform.cmap 7.6 Success factor modelling.cmap 8.2 Connecting to people in information age government.cmap 8.6 Community Informatics.cmap 8.7 Challenging the digital divide.cmap 9.4 Data Protection and freedom of information.cmap 9.5 Security and Crime.cmap 9.6 Surveillance and Regulation.cmap