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Active partnerships Young Networks Foundation (YNF) (FINAL) MRYA Presentation (2).pptx 04410943_Skills Shortages in the Greater Brisbane Labour Market_long.ppt 20110729154237127_0001CBSHS.pdf Action Plan Regional Skills Shortages.docx ACU Indigenous web.url Aeroskills.docx Agenda B&I KAG 3 Dec 2010.docx Agenda for 30th August 2011.docx Agenda for 6th Sept 2011.docx Agenda for 6th Sept 2011A.docx Agenda for 7th April.docx Agenda for April.docx Agenda for sub group C Sept 8th 2011.docx Agenda Group B 10th Mar 2011.docx Agenda SPN Group A 17th Feb 2011.docx Agenda SPN group A 31 Mar 2011.docx Agenda SPN Group C Monday 28th February Mueller College.docx Agenda sub group B 1st Sept 2011.docx arts-culture-me - Arts Action Plan.pdf Assessment and support systems for young people at risk.docx ATC website.url Aviation website.url BAC development.url BIGA website.url Bld Contact List.docx Brisbane City Council.url Brisbane RDA.url Business & Industry KAG Minutes 3 Dec2010.docx Business and Industry EngagementKAG Nov 10.docx Business model.url Busy website.url Caloundra website.url Career Development Curriculum.docx CBEC website.url Church Minutes MEETING RE USES OF SHEKINAH BUILDING.docx CISCQ website.url clubs Qld website.url Construction escan.cmap cornerstone web.url CORRESPONDENCE BETWEE qld Racing and Shekinah.docx CREATING PARTNERSHIPS BY STAGES.cmap crypar draft project profile 18 August.docx Culture of Innovation.pdf Dept transport.url EARN OR LEARN PATHWAYS.cmap education, training & JSA pathways.cmap Email address.url EMPower Minutes 10 Sept 2010.docx Evaluation of feedback forms- 23rd June 2011.docx Executive SummaryRedcliffe Rail.docx Format for the Northern Corridor Partnership meeting.docx Forum 3 attendance 2.pdf Gabba development.url HAVE YOUR SAY (2).doc Hopwood trg web.url Hub& DBay partnership.docx Hub Web.url Hub Website.url Industry forum partnership.docx Industry skills councils.url Industry Validation Teachers Feedback form.pub.pub Invite to SPN VET network (2).docx JSA info.url Key Advisory Group Young People at Risk AGENDA .pdf Kratzmans Caravans.url light rail web.url MBSPN Working Group Members.xlsx Minutes 13 April 2011.docx Minutes 17th March sub group C.docx Minutes 6th April 2011.docx Minutes for 19th Oct 2011 sub group C.docx Minutes for Meeting 30-11-10 Regional Skills Shortage Key Advisory Group.docx Minutes for meeting held 28th March 2011.docx Minutes from 18th October 2011 Sub Group A.docx Minutes of 30th August meeting 2011.docx Minutes of meeting with Mueller College and Hopwood Training Wed 5th October 2011.docx Minutes of Music Extension meeting at Mueller College.docx Minutes of Sub group C 28th March.docx Minutes Parents & Family Engagement KAG 1st Feb 2011.docx Minutes Social Media.docx Minutes SPN Sub group A 31 March.docx Minutes Sub group B SPN 1st sept 2011.docx Morayfield MSQ RV industry partnership 18.docx Moreton RDA.url Moreton Regional Youth Alliance Invitation List for October 2010.xls Moreton region council.url Moreton School Clusters.xls Moreton Senior Phase Network AGENDA (2).pub.pub Moreton Senior Phase Network Survey Results (2).xls Moreton SPN Minutes 30Nov 2010 (2).docx Moreton SPN Minutes 30Nov 2010 (2).doc MRYA AGENDA 21st July 2011.pdf MRYA AGENDA March 2011.pub.pub MRYA AGENDA March 2011 (2).pdf MRYA forum 11 March 2011PP.pptx MRYA forum 3 March 2011PP!!!.pptx MRYA Forum Attendance 11 March 2011.xlsx MRYA Forum Report 11th March 2011.docx MRYA Forum Report 21st July 2011.pdf MRYA Forum Report 28th Oct 2010.docx MRYA key advisory groups.cmap MRYA presentation Oct 2010.cmap MSHS Website.url MSQ website.url Mueller College web.url Music Extension.pdf Music Extension Mueller.pdf Music Extension Mueller (2).pdf MYRA Master Distribution List.txt Northern Corridor Executive Summary.docx Northern Corridor Initial Meeting Minutes 31 Aug (2).docx NORTHERN CORRIDOR PARTNERSHIPvfinal.docx Northern Corridor Skills education forum.cmap Northern Corridor Skills education forum 29th july.jpg Northern Corridor Stakeholder Contact List July 2011 (2).xlsx Northern Growth Corridor minutes 11 Oct 2011 tracked changes.docx North Lakes Forum Distribution List.msg.msg Opportunities and Challenges graph.docx Parents & Family Engagement Key Advisory Group Partnership Profile.doc Parents and Family Engagement Agenda Friday 26 Nov 2010.pdf Parents and Family Minutes 22 Feb 2011.docx Partnership Profile - MISP.doc Possible partnership aim.docx Preparation for the first partnership meeting.cmap Professional Development - Industry Validation 2011.txt Programs facebook flyer.doc Progress of CBSHS and ACU Tertiary pathways 2011.docx Project Drivers.docx proposed partnership process BAC.cmap Qld transport development.url QYILEnterprise Centre explained.cmap QYIL Future Perspectives.cmap QYIL Industry report.docx QYIL North Lakes Forum Report.doc QYIL STARATEGIC ORGANISATION FOR MORETON BAY REGION.cmap QYIL strategic meetings.cmap qyilweb.url Racing Qld website.url Racing Queensland Brochure - Cert II Stablehand 2011.pdf Racing Queensland - How do I become a trainee in the Racing Industry 2011.pdf RDA Network Moreton Region.cmap RDA website.url Redcliffe hospital website.url Redcliffe Rail Link Due Diligence October 2011V2.docx Regional Skill Shortage Key Advisory Group Minutes 25 Jan 2011.docx Regional Skills Shortage Minutes 24th February 2011.docx Research Completed by Kerrie Holzwart re Certificate IV Career Development march 2011.docx SCIT website.url Senior Phase network1.docx SENIOR PHASE NETWORK SUB GROUP C minutes of meeting held March 17th at Mueller College.docx SEQ Regional Plan Map.docx Shekinah-Moreton Region Schools.cmap Skill Shortage AGENDA.pdf Skill Shortages.docx Social Media Digital Economy rationale.cmap SPN-BUSY Partnership.docx SPN group A minutes 17th Feb 11.docx SPN group B minutes 10th March 11.docx SPN Group B Minutes 7th April 2011.docx SPN Network Meeting Minutes 19th May 2011.docx STA vet-in-schools-program-guide-2012.zip St C's web.url Stockland website.url Stockland wesite.url Suncoast Centre Concept.docx SunCoast Council.url SURVEY STUDENTS PERSPECTIVE ON CAREER PATHWAY.doc The Logan Digital Enterprise Hub - June 2010.doc The Moreton Bay Community Consortium.docx The Northern Corridor Partnership forum2.pptx Towards Q2 web.url ULDA Fitzgibbon.url Untitled.cmap VET in Moreton Bay Region.docx VET in School DATA.xlsx VET Statistics.pdf Vet validation & vet network.docx Wayne's Northern Corridor.ppt Wayne's Northern Corridor (2).pptx website.url website MSQ.url Youth Service Providers Network Meeting 13.docx YouthSurvey.ppt Youth Survey 2.doc Youth Survey 2Cab.doc